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Hjallastefnan í Heimspressunni

Raising boys who see girls as equals

In Iceland, one of the world’s most gender-equal countries, a pre-school educator is using a unique method to undo gender stereotypes before they take root in children

Euronews: Iceland's recipe for gender parity

In Iceland, equality begins at school. Euronews reporter Valerie Gauriat takes us on a journey through Icelandic society to discover the secret ingredients that give the country a lead in the fight for gender equality.

Hjalli Model in "An Equal Difference"

Many people, even in Iceland, shut down at the mention of single-sex education. It seems counter-productive to equality but it isn’t. The classes are segregated for intelligent reasons, and all the children play together during breaks.

The Guardian: Why Iceland is the best place in the world to be a woman

Since 1975, the Nordic country has blazed the trail in gender equality and now, from infancy to maternity, women and girls enjoy a progressive lifestyle. But how did they achieve it?

ITV: Why is Iceland the best place in the world to be a woman?

Girls are trained in physical strength here. Credit: ITV On Assignment

Mercatornet: Closing the gender gap in education: lessons from Iceland

Credit: Mercatornet – Girl Scouts compete in the USS California Science Experience at Naval Surface Warfare. US Navy via Wikimedia


Founder Margrét Pála Ólafsdóttir presents her ideas about educating young children, based on reinforcing each gender in specific areas. She asks: “Are we betraying both girls and boys when the school system is based on the average needs of children instead of meeting each sex as it is?”